more information you will receive. You are building the
channels of communication with your spirit self.
Do this exercise as frequently as you want. It is good to
get into the practice of being able to do it quickly. This is the
basis of the next exercise, "Checking In."
Exercise #2: Hie Steps
- Relax and close your eyes.
- Envision a field of energy through and around your
body. - Notice the color/s and quality of the energy.
- Pose a question or questions about your observa-
tion. (Optional.)
Exercise #3: Checking In
This exercise is particularly effective after business meet-
ings, emotional confrontations, or any situation that leaves
you with feelings of uncertainty or loss of power.
To begin, relax and close your eyes. Get a sense of your
spirit self by using either the feeling or seeing method. You
will probably notice yourself both seeing and feeling your
spirit body. This is optimal since it includes both emotional
and visual components.
Quickly scan over your spirit body from top to bottom.
Take notice of what you see, sense, or feel. Especially notice
any area where energy seems to be missing. These are po-
tential problem areas that need attention. You can mentally
direct your spirit energy to flow into these areas and fill them
up. In the areas of concentrated energy, take note of the
color. If dense but vibrant they are usually healthy; but if the
color is murky, you may want to brighten it up by channeling
a brighter shade into it.
Notice where the edges of your spirit body are. If any part
is withdrawn and constricted, expand it a little. Likewise,
you can shrink any part that feels too expanded and out of
control. You are looking for balance in your spirit body and
like an artist you can shape it harmoniously. You can use
your hands to pat and shape it to your liking. Although
someone else would see you patting what seems to be thin
air, you are actually manipulating your spirit body. Re-
member! Shamanic processes are practical. Whatever makes
them feel more real to you will ensure their success.