Secrets of Shamanism

(Tina Meador) #1

This exercise should be kept short. Its value lies in your
ability to do it quickly, between appointments, prior to meet-
ings, either business or social, and especially after confronta-
tion. It is merely practice in being able to communicate with
your spirit self and in using your spirit body as a gauge of
what is going on with you at all times.

Exercise #3: The Steps

  1. Relax and close your eyes.

  2. Get a sense of your spirit body.

  3. Scan and notice.

  4. Direct energy to missing areas, brighten dense

  5. Expand or contract as necessary.

Exercise #4: Making Changes

This exercise is designed to help you gain control over
your spirit body and direct its energy in ways that will serve
you best. Here we reintroduce the use of visual aids from
nature such as wind, sun, earth, rocks, animals, and so on.
(In Chapter 3, you will learn more about the actual spirit in
all natural things.) Be sure to enlist your other senses when-
ever possible to enliven the process, as we taught you in
Chapter 1. You can use this particular exercise to help shift
your moods and the way you feel. In addition you can use it
to re-create the state you want to present in the world and
how you wish to feel.
As with the previous exercises, begin with relaxing and
closing your eyes. See, sense, or feel your spirit body. Re-
member, the more senses you can include in your vision the
richer it will appear.
Acknowledge the state you are in before making changes,
since often the reading your spirit self gives you is an attempt
to communicate a neglected area, or something that needs
attention. This acknowledgment lets your spirit body know
you are not ignoring what is there, and that you will return to
work on it as soon as you are able.
A client of ours was involved in a lawsuit that affected
him emotionally. During that time, he had to perform a
series of lectures that were important to his career. Although
he found this exercise quite useful in preparing for his public
appearances, he always acknowledged the obvious turmoil in

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