Secrets of Shamanism

(Tina Meador) #1

his spirit body before he made changes in it. He then made
sure to take time to work with that particular emotional
Postulate in your mind's eye the change you wish to make
or the desired effect you wish to have. Perhaps you wish to
be noticed more and want to appear grand, or maybe you
would rather not be noticed as much. Reflect on the quality
you need that will help you achieve the result you want. For
example, if you are in turmoil about a situation, you may
desire clarity and peace. If you are going for an interview,
you may wish to get in touch with your competence and
knowledge. If you have been feeling listless, you might want
to shift into feeling fired up and enthusiastic.
Think of something in nature that has that quality that
you want. For some, the warmth of the sun shining on a
spring day may suggest clarity and peace; competence and
knowledge might evoke a vision of an owl or hawk; fired-up
enthusiasm might look like the spirit of fire itself. Begin to
color your spirit body with the particular quality you want,
using the image that came to you. You may wish to give it an
actual color or simply fill yourself up with the feeling. Re-
member, the more senses you include, the richer the experi-
ence. Always thank the spirit of whatever it was whose
quality you used for the exercise.

Exercise #4: The Steps

  1. Relax and close your eyes.

  2. See, sense, or feel your spirit body.

  3. Acknowledge the state you are currently in.

  4. Postulate the change or desired effect.

  5. Identify the quality you need.

  6. Find something in nature with that quality.

  7. Color your spirit body with the quality of the natu-
    ral image.

  8. Thank the spirit of the natural image.

As with the others, this exercise should take only a few
moments to do and you can practice it as often as you like.
Occasionally you may wish to do a longer version, but the
goal is to be able to do it in the grocery line or wherever you
happen to be.
We understand that you may feel foolish or skeptical
when you first try these exercises. However, as with all sha-
manic work, self-importance or self-consciousness is an ob-

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