Secrets of Shamanism

(Tina Meador) #1

From the base of your spine establish a connection down
to this molten center or core of the earth. With your feet
feeling firmly planted on the ground, let your spirit body
stretch all the way down as if you have a long tail that
reaches and roots into the earth. Use this tail to first drain
out all the excess tension (foreign spirits) that you are carry-
ing. Then let energy from the earth rise up into your body,
making you more solid and present.
If you have trouble making a connection, feel free to ask
for assistance in this process. Often the same guardian that
guides you in your journeys can be enlisted as a helper.
You can leave this connection with the earth in place,
open your eyes, and go about your business. A simple check
once in a while is all you'll need to keep yourself grounded at
all times. Should you find yourself becoming ungrounded
due to the scattered events of the day, repeat the exercise
above. With practice you can bring back your grounding
within thirty seconds.

Exercise #6: The Steps

  1. Relax and close your eyes.

  2. Become aware of your physical body.

  3. Become aware of the earth.

  4. Establish a connection with the center of the earth.

  5. Drain out tension and foreign energy.

  6. Bring up energy from the earth.

  7. Open your eyes.


When shamans are elsewhere, traveling through the var-
ious levels or worlds of the web of power with their spirit
body, they leave their physical bodies behind. While they are
traveling thusly, they deliberately let go of their awareness of
ordinary physical reality for a period of time. In order to
protect themselves while traveling, they have devised ways of
keeping their physical bodies sale during their inward jour-
When shamans journey, their physical body becomes
more vulnerable and less powerful, just as it does during
sleep. Therefore, shamans do not journey while driving a car
or crossing the street If they can help it. Usually they journey
from places where they know they will be relatively safe.

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