Secrets of Shamanism

(Tina Meador) #1

With an act of will you can make this a general transparency
that includes everyone or you can make an exception and be
visible to one particular person when you want contact. On
the other hand, you can make yourself invisible to just one
individual who is harassing you. Specify what you want.
If you feel this exercise is so simple that it is hard to do,
ask your guardian spirit to do it for you.
Do not forget to reverse this exercise when you are ready
to be noticed again. Using your shamanic vision, vividly see
yourself becoming brighter and more physical. If you really
want to attract attention, make yourself a shiny silver.

Exercise #7: The Steps

  1. Relax and close your eyes.

  2. Imagine becoming transparent.

  3. Specify the scope of your transparency.

  4. Reverse the exercise when ready.

Some children unconsciously become good at hiding
themselves because it is a good way to avoid the attention of
abusive or alcoholic parents who may attack them. Unfortu-
nately, they get so good at it that by the time they become
adults, they are often invisible to other people. They are
passed up for promotions and people get in front of them in
the bank line because they are not easy to spot. These people
need to practice the transparency exercise in reverse. That is,
they need to learn how to become more visible, to see them-
selves attracting attention and being noticed in a wide variety
of situations.


Just as you attract attention through your spirit body,
your possessions often attract the attention of thieves and
burglars because they are imbued with some of your spirit.
They become highly visible. When you leave your car in a
dark or unsafe area, it's a good idea to use the same sha-
manic technique that you used on yourself with your car.
Make it transparent, unseeable, using the powers of both
your shamanic vision and your guardian spirit. It will be
passed by even by thieves, because they quite literally don't
see it.

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