Secrets of Shamanism

(Tina Meador) #1

Shape Changing

Shape changing is very similar in technique to becoming
invisible. The difference is that you may wish to appear dis-
similar from the way people usually perceive you. For exam-
ple, you may wish to appear somewhat larger and more
dangerous than your actual size when you are forced to walk
through a tough part of town late one night. Or you may
want to make yourself smaller if you are traveling in a for-
eign country where you stick out like a sore thumb because
of your height. Likewise, you can make yourself look a bit
more like the indigenous people so you can blend in better.
Whatever the occasion, you can subtly shift your entire
shape or specific parts of yourself by following these simple

Exercise #8: Shape Changing
Relax and close your eyes. Using your shamanic vision,
step forward out of your physical body and turn around. See
or sense your body in front of you. Decide on the changes
that you want to make. Reach out with your spirit hands and
stretch, compact, or mold your body like putty. Make what-
ever changes you wish to. Ask your guardian spirit to help
you if you find this difficult.
Turn around again and step backward into your body.
Feel the changes you have made. Remember to go through
the exercise in reverse when you wish to return to normal. If
you forget, you will gradually do so anyway, but it is better to
get in the habit of being disciplined about the technique.
That way you will become good at it quickly.

Exercise #8: The Steps

  1. Relax and close your eyes.

  2. Step out of your body and turn around.

  3. See your body in front of you.

  4. Decide on and make the changes.

  5. T\ira around and step backward into your body.

  6. Feel the changes.

  7. Return to normal when you wish to.

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