Up till now we have focused on the spirit body itself and
have given you some methods to get to know it and to begin
working with it. There is, however, more to the spirit body
than we have told you so far. The source of the human spirit
body is a series of tunnels that lead to the spirit world. Each
tunnel broadcasts a different frequency of the spirit world's
energy and these emanations make up different layers of the
spirit body. By looking at the different layers of the spirit
body, shamans can determine the tunnel responsible for a
particular difficulty they or others might be having. In this
way shamans are able to work with the tunnels to access
information and promote healing. You will learn more about
these power tunnels and how to work with them using the
shamanic journey in Chapter 7.
Thus far, you have learned to sense your spirit body and
feel its size and shape. You have learned to read its textures
and colors and you know something about what they mean.
You know that your thoughts and feelings determine its
health and condition and that those thoughts and feelings can
be altered to improve that condition. You know now how to
define your own spirit body as opposed to others' and you
have learned to cleanse it of foreign influences, to protect
and to keep it grounded. You may even have begun to read
other people's spirit bodies and have altered your own be-
havior because of what you've seen.
The more you tune into the world of the spirit body, the
greater will be your capacity to see, sense, and feel the true
nature of the world you live in. This will give you a tremen-
dous advantage because you will no longer be led astray by
mere external appearances. You will have the ability to know
exactly what you and others are feeling or thinking at any
given moment. Not only will you feel supported by your
spirit body but you will feel a sense of expansiveness and
depth that comes with knowing you are more than what is
physical. The more you open to the messages your spirit
body gives you, the more sensitive you will become to your
own genuine needs and wants. You will then know your limi-
tations and your true potential in any situation.