Secrets of Shamanism

(Tina Meador) #1


Nature's Power:

Spirit Helpers

Latuk lay on his mat and looked out of the shelter onto
the expanse of barren tundra. Discouraged and dispir-
ited, he let his head drop back onto his arm. He just
wasn't his old self these past few days and he did not
know why. He had no energy to hunt or even to eat what
food they had stored. Ever since returning to the hut from
the last hunt, he had been apathetic. Worried, Misha his
wife had called for Isk, the shaman from the village at the
confluence. Latuk knew he would not be long in coming.
When Isk arrived, he spoke with Latuk in a gentle
voice. He asked many questions of him, including where
he had been during the days preceding. Then he made
some passes with his hand over Latuk and, with his eyes
closed, was silent for some time. "Ah, so you have been
to the north at the place of green rocks. The spirit of
green rock has chased away your strength and is weak-
ening your blood. You cannot go to that place without the
protection of the lavendar quartz." After drawing a rough
piece of the quartz from his drawstring bag, he laid the
rock on Latuk's chest. "Lie still on your back until
moonrise. Your spirit will find new strength and your ap-
petite will return." With that, the shaman was gone. When
Latuk awoke at moonrise, the apathy was gone. Feeling
invigorated and hungry, he had some fish. As he ate he
marveled at the lavender quartz that had brought back
his energy. What a power exists in the spirit of this rock,
he thought.
Silently he offered a prayer of thanks.

The web of power applies to all elements of nature. By
knowing how this power net works, you may begin to tap
into its resources in ways that you may not have imagined
possible. Discover how to use the power of rocks, plants,
animals, and other natural beings on the planet by simply
learning how to communicate with them. From a shamanic
perspective, communicating with these creatures has one

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