Secrets of Shamanism

(Tina Meador) #1

why people who like to putter in their gardens and spend
time talking *o their plants get such good results.
In order to get to know plant spirits, shamans sit for hours
with a particular plant, sensing it, talking with it, listening to
it, and just being with it. The plant eventually may tell you
what its properties are good for.
All members of a single species share the same spirit es-
sence. For example, each sunflower plant represents the
physical form of the Sunflower spirit. Therefore if you get to
know a sunflower in New York and a sunflower of the same
species in Colorado, you are still speaking to the same spirit.

Exercise #5: Getting to Know Plants

Here is one simple method the shaman uses to contact
plant spirits and establish a relationship with them. Begin by
choosing a plant in your house, yard, or any other place out-
side. Again, think in terms of the plant selecting you by
grabbing your attention. It could be a small flowering plant,
a bush, or even a tree.
Study the plant, carefully noticing every detail: color,
shape, smell, etc. Be sure to spend plenty of time here. Then
close your eyes and try to get a sense of the plant in your
mind. Accept whatever comes in. Remember, as with rocks,
plant spirits do not always look like the physical form of the
plant. If you have any trouble, go back and repeat step 1.
Once you feel that some spirit connection has been made,
ask for a message from the plant. Then listen. If you get
nothing here, ask again, then listen. If you are still unsuc-
cessful, go back and try the entire exercise over again with
the same plant.

Exercise #5: Hie Steps

  1. Choose a plant.

  2. Study it, noticing every detail.

  3. Close your eyes and sense the plant in your mind's

  4. Ask for a message. Listen.

  5. Thank the plant and open your eyes.

  6. Repeat the exercise if necessary.

You can repeat this exercise as many times as you wish,
either with the same plant or with different plants. Experi-
ment and get to know them! Ask them for information, but

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