my work is driven by the accretion and
accumulation of many simple parts to cre-
ate complexity based upon the relation-
ship between these parts. This complexity
unfolds simply from proximity, overlap, or
how edges meet, etc... I introduce contin-
gency by setting simple, loose rules that
come from the drawing itself as I work.
This idea of having a conversation with
the work, letting it tell me what needs
to happen next, informed by what has
already happened, is central to how I think
with the drawing while drawing. “Anni-
hilation” alludes to how the paper itself
was prepared. I began with pentimenti
left from the destruction of the old draw-
ing that was already there. by peeling off
that image bit by bit with tape, I rendered
the paper as white as possible and began
the new drawing from there, informed by
these traces of marks. The title also reflects
my fascination with particle physics and
self-regulating systems in nature such as
the human brain, the earth, or the uni-
verse itself.
Top: Annihilation, 45” x 48”
China marker, charcoal, graphite, pigment on
prepared paper, 2010
bottom: Green Chimneys, 47” x 33”
China marker, graphite, pigment on prepared
paper, 2010
William Holton
From the exhibition: