The Prouds; A Novel


  • The Prouds 146

trunks of those trees. He was used to shooting angrily,
filled with motivation and ambition fueled by jealousy from
Jarvis. He was very weak-bodied, yet he was very
ambitious and always wanted to be the best. In his time and
place, men were ranked according to their strength in
combat. He was very jealous from Jarvis because Jarvis
was the strongest of all. He wished he could beat him one
day. He hated his life and his misfortune, which made him
so weak-bodied.
He looked for a way to beat Jarvis and others.
Eventually, he arrived at archery which did not require a
strong body, but required accuracy and a lot of practice. His
ambition prevented him from rest or laziness and forced
him to train extensively and hard. Therefore, he used to
practice most of the time until he became able to control
the bow and arrows the way he controlled his hands,
fingers, and eyes. Archery became his life and he devoted
all his time and abilities for it.

There was another lad of the Prouds, called Reynold, who
spent most of his days reflecting and staring at the sky. He
was a sensible thinking lad, who always reflected on the
universe and everything around him, which made him very
wise. Reynold was Jarvis’s best friend and confidant in the

The Prouds continued to resist any aggression and as time
went by, they became more famous in Widea for being
strong. The same was true for to the Kingdom of Widea
under King Matthew, as his conquests succeeded and his
kingdom grew larger as time passed until it became so huge
and vast.

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