The Prouds; A Novel


  • The Prouds 160

Chapter Twenty-Three

The knights of the Prouds returned to their land with news
of their great victory. The Prouds who did not go to battle
were happy, particularly Leader Addison.
In Cintana, in the largest hall of Fitoma Palace,
King Matthew sat in the far end against senior figures of
his kingdom, including ministers, advisors, and leaders.
The most important among them were his son, Prince
Harlem and the new commander of the army, Samuel,
whom the king appointed as commander after Hector’s
death. Also present were the king’s allies. The most
important among them was Leader Shawn.
“The Prouds have defeated us badly,” the outraged
king shouted. “All this great army of mine gets defeated by
desert savages, who are fewer in number and less equipped!
Their leader, so called Jarvis, alone kills so many of my
Silence prevailed in the hall.
The king got defeated twice by the same tribe. The
second defeat was even worse, as the king had returned
after his kingdom expanded greatly, and his army was
joined by all those many soldiers.
The angry king wondered, “How could they defeat
my huge army, which defeated the strongest men and
mightiest knights? How? I have planned for this battle for
decades and victory should have been mine, not theirs.”

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