The Prouds; A Novel


  • The Prouds 2


King Matthew was ready to do anything he could, whether
good or bad, cruel or kind, to defeat the Prouds.
No land had ever refused to submit to him, the ruler
of Widea Kingdom. As his kingdom expanded, the kings of
neighboring kingdoms bowed to him, and all the tribes
submitted to him, whether willingly or by force. As he had
a huge army and lethal weapons, which everyone feared.
The only exceptions were the land of the Prouds in
the desert of the eastern part of Widea Kingdom and the
lands of their allies whom they pledged to protect.
The Prouds were descendants of their greatest
Elder, who was called “The Proud" for refusing to give in
to injustice. They were called after him, and they were as
proud as he was throughout their history, refusing to submit
to any king or ruler but their own.

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