The Prouds; A Novel


  • Laith Taher 207

“Good morning, Father and Harlem,” said Princess
The king was so happy to see his daughter that he
temporarily forgot his anger. “Hello, my beloved daughter.
Come sit here next to me.”
She sat down on a luxurious red chair.
“How is my daughter today?” asked the father.
“I have never been better, Father,” replied the
“I was talking to your brother about what happened
yesterday and the fact that we need to be more careful,
particularly him,” he said.
“You are right, Father,” she replied. “You both need
to be more careful, particularly Harlem.”
She paused then smiled. “Do you want the truth,
though, Father?”
“And what might that be?” asked the king.
She said, “This knight is brave and strong, the way
he managed to break into the palace of the strongest king of
all, alone, fearlessly and come so close to achieving what
he wanted. I admit that I admire him.”
Prince Harlem became as angry as he could be
because of what she had said.
He said with a faint voice “What are you saying?”
“What is wrong with you?” the king asked in
amazement. “Isn’t it bad enough that your brother is

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