The Prouds; A Novel


  • The Prouds 220

the Advisor’s heart was burning it like hell and would not
let him forgive the murderer of his family. The Advisor
attacked Irwin and stabbed him in his stomach forcefully.
He kept stabbing him violently and angrily until he stabbed
him eight times. Irwin had died after the third, but the
Advisor would not stop because two or three stabs would
not satisfy his lust for revenge.
Nevertheless, when the Advisor calmed down a
while after killing Irwin, he felt remorse flooding him like
seagulls flooding a beach. He started thinking that had he
paid Irwin in the first place and listened to the advice of
that man from his village, his family would not have been
killed, and his life would not have lost its value and ended.
Had two golden coins been worth getting his entire family
killed? What good had his stubbornness done him? At that
moment, he realized that listening to reason was better that
listening to anger and force. He realized that it was
sometimes better for one to lose a little in return for
something bigger. He was right to refuse to pay Irwin
because he had no right to take what was not his. But, at the
same time, one had to make compromises, sometimes, even
if he was right.
Now that he had lost everything he had ever loved,
and his life had turned into hell, he decided to retreat away
from people, live in the desert, and dedicate his time for
contemplation. He decided to dedicate his life to give
people advice and benefit them, so that they did not go
through what he had to go through and be well.
With time and because people frequently consulted
him and he gave them advice, they called him the
“Advisor” and called the mountain to which he retreated in
the desert “the Advisor’s Mountain.”

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