The Prouds; A Novel


  • Laith Taher 251

The next day, Jarvis went to visit his brother, the leader in
his house.
Hammond was sitting with his wife in their
bedroom as he heard a knock on the door.
“Who might it be?” she asked.
“It must be Jarvis,” he replied.
He went out while his wife followed him slowly.
He opened the door to find out that he was right. He
greeted his brother warmly.
“Welcome,” said the leader.
His brother followed him slowly. Suddenly, he
came across Florrie on his way to the sitting room. She
stood still looking at him with her fascinating big eyes
waiting for him to say hello but he passed by without
paying any attention to her.
She stared at him as he passed by, breathing faster
like quick smoke coming out of burning fire while her eyes
moved here and there, You will pay dearly, you arrogant. I
must find a way to make you pay.

It had been a long time since Princess Florrie came to the
land of the Prouds. She was feeling very bored in her house
because she was used to the life of luxury she had in
palaces where she lived a life more luxurious than people
could imagine, and suddenly, she found herself living a
harsh life of poverty.

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