The Prouds; A Novel


  • Laith Taher 35

The guardians sat on the chairs around the table and
started talking immediately as if they had been waiting for
that moment. After all, who would not be happy to be in
charge of an entire kingdom?
Willard was almost five years younger than Albert.
He was tall and thin. He had short grey-black hair, and
short-trimmed facial hair. Irwin was the youngest, yet the
physically strongest one of them. He had no facial hair. He
had black hair, sharp grey eyes, and stern facial
As they started talking, the king listened, trying to
stay as strong as his mother told him to be. Yet, his heart
was filled with panic from the moment he saw the old
members of the guardianship council.
How can I give orders to such strong old men,
when I am only a young lad?
At first, he tried to focus on what they were saying,
but he could not stay focused for long because their
discussion took a long time. They ignored him and did not
address him, nor did they ask him his opinion on any
matter. He was really bored, and eventually asked himself,
Why don’t they ask me my opinion on what they are
discussing? Am I not the king? Shouldn’t the king have the
final say?
Those questions were repeated in all later meetings
of the guardianship council, which he attended only in the
flesh, just like a statue in the hall.
“You look after your own life, My Lord, and we
will run the country. Ruling is way beyond someone your
age,” said Albert to the king at the beginning of one
meeting and the king remained silent.

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