The Prouds; A Novel


  • The Prouds 52

The king ordered that an amount of money be paid
from the kingdom’s treasury to every living member of
Maloms tribe, which, of course, included Reid who
continued to receive that generous assistance until the age
of twenty.
Reid realized the chivalry of the king and wanted to
return his favor by any means possible, so he joined the
king’s army. He kept advancing in the army until, as years
went by, he became its commander.
He loved the king more than he had ever loved
anyone else. The only exception was King Matthew, whom
the commander loved even more than his own sons.

It became time for another meeting of the Three Guardians.
As always, King Matthew, who was sixteen years old then,
attended, only that time he was not alone. He was
accompanied by Commander Reid.
Albert said, “My Lord, only you, us, and the guards
are allowed to attend our meetings.”
The king replied firmly, “I decided to bring
Commander Reid with me wherever I go, even this room,
and he shall only listen without intervening with what you
have to say.”
The Three Guardians looked at one another
suspiciously, but continued their discussion guardedly. A
few moments later, the guards started leaving the hall. The
guardians stopped talking and looked to one another, the
king, and the commander. The commander pulled his
sword out quietly and confidently and approached the
Three Guardians.

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