The Prouds; A Novel


  • Laith Taher 99

Chapter Thirteen

After Andrew became the Teacher, he was very successful
in his duties. In fact, he was the most successful leader in
the history of the Brave Protectors despite his young age
relatively. Under his leadership, the Protectors achieved
great victories and their strength increased significantly.
At a certain moment, he felt the Brave Protectors
were so powerful, so he decided a certain thing.
He sent for the most important figures of the
Protectors to gather in his building in the Brave Protectors’
center to tell them about his plan.
They fulfilled his wish and gathered there.
He served each one of them coffee by himself.
After speaking for a while, he said, “People, I have
decided something important and I want to tell you about
One of them said, “Go ahead, Teacher.”
Andrew said, “It is a very important decision. I
hope you think deeply about it and understand i.e. want to
go and attack the Grey Eagles in their center and destroy
them forever.”
They could not believe what they had heard. The
Eagles were so dangerous and powerful. People feared

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