Microsoft Word - WaterChemistry

(Michael S) #1

FY - Fiscal year
G - acceleration due to gravity
g - gram
GAC - Granular activated carbon
GWR - Ground Water Rule
GWSS - Ground Water Supply Survey
H2O2 - Hydrogen Peroxide
HAA5 - Haloacetic acids (five)
HOBr - Hypobromous acid
HOCl - Hypochlorous acid
hr - hour
IC- Ion chromatography
ICR- Information Collection Rule
ID - inside diameter
IESWTR- Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule
in. - inch
IOA- International Ozone Association
IOC - Inorganic chemical
KMnO4 - Potassium permanganate
L - liter
LOAEL - Lowest observed adverse effect level
LOQ - Limit of quantitation
LT1ESWTR - Long Term Stage 1 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule
m - meter
MCL - Maximum Contaminant Level
MCLG - Maximum Contaminant Level Goal
M-DBP - Microbial and disinfection byproducts
MDL - Method Detection Limit
mg - milligram
mg/L - Milligrams per liter
mgd - Million gallons per day
MIB -Methylisoborneol
mL - milliliter
mm - millimeter
mM - millimolar
MRDL - Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level (as mg/l)
MRDLG - Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level Goal
MRL - Minimum Reporting Level
MX - 3-chloro-4-(dichloromethyl)-5-hydroxyl-2(5H)-furanone
N - normal; gram molecular weight of solute divided by hydrogen equivalent of solute, per liter of
NaCl - Sodium chloride
NCI - National Cancer Institute
ND - Not detected
NH^2 Cl - Monochloramine
NIOSH - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
NIPDWR - National Interim Primary Drinking Water Regulation
NOAEL - No Observed Adverse Effect Level
NOM - Natural Organic Matter
NOMS - National Organic Monitoring Survey
NORS - National Organics Reconnaissance Survey for Halogenated Organics

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