hydrocyanic acid hydrogen cyanide
hypo (photography) sodium thiosulfate solution
lime calcium oxide
limewater aqueous solution of calcium hydroxide
lunar caustic silver nitrate
magnesia magnesium oxide
mercury oxide, black mercurous oxide
methanol methyl alcohol
methylated spirits methyl alcohol
muriatic acid hydrochloric acid
oil of vitriol sulfuric acid
oil of wintergreen (artificial) methyl salicylate
Paris green copper acetoarsenite
Paris white powdered calcium carbonate
pear oil (artificial) isoamyl acetate
pearl ash potassium carbonate
plaster of Paris calcium sulfate
plumbago graphite
potash potassium carbonate
potassa potassium hydroxide
Prussic acid hydrogen cyanide
pyro tetrasodium pyrophosphate
quicklime calcium oxide
quicksilver mercury
red lead lead tetraoxide
Rochelle salt potassium sodium tartrate
rouge, jeweler's ferric oxide
rubbing alcohol isopropyl alcohol
sal ammoniac ammonium chloride
sal soda sodium carbonate
salt, table sodium chloride
salt of lemon potassium binoxalate
salt of tartar potassium carbonate
saltpeter potassium nitrate
silica silicon dioxide
soda ash sodium carbonate
soda lye sodium hydroxide
soluble glass sodium silicate
spirit of hartshorn ammonium hydroxide solution
sugar, table sucrose
talc or talcum magnesium silicate
vinegar impure dilute acetic acid
vitamin C ascorbic acid
washing soda sodium carbonate
water glass sodium silicate