Using DWSRF Funds to Comply with the New Arsenic Rule
EPA 816-F-02-004
The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) program was established by the 1996
Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Amendments and authorizes grants to states to
capitalize revolving loan funds. The states provide low-interest loans to eligible systems
for infrastructure improvements needed to ensure compliance with the SDWA and protect
public health. The DWSRF program can play a significant role in helping systems,
especially small systems, to meet the challenges of complying with new drinking water
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published revisions to the Arsenic Rule in
2001 which further reduce exposure to arsenic in drinking water by adopting a new arsenic
maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 10 ppb. The new MCL will impose a financial burden
on some water systems. The DWSRF can provide assistance to systems to help ease this
burden, increase compliance, and protect public health.
Rural Development-Rural Utilities Service, Loan, and Grant
Program: Fact Sheet
EPA 816-F-03-009
USDA/Rural Development/Rural Utilities Service (RUS) administers water and
wastewater loan and grant programs to improve the quality of life and promote economic
development in Rural America. These programs were previously administered by the
Farmers Home Administration (FmHA)
Implementation Guidance for the Arsenic Rule - Drinking Water
Regulations for Arsenic and Clarifications to Compliance and
New Source Contaminants Monitoring
EPA 816-K-02-018
The final Implementation Guidance for the Arsenic Rule is based on the final rule
published in the Federal Register on January 22, 2001. It incorporates comments received
on the previous draft implementation guidances, and from the training sessions on the
arsenic rule held throughout the country.
The guidance summarizes key sections of the Proposed Rule and provides a "how to
approach" for EPA Regions and States to implement the regulation. It contains an
explanation of the rule's requirements and guidance for preparing State primacy revision
applications. The document incorporates comments received from Regions, States,
technical assistance providers, water systems, and others.