Microsoft Word - WaterChemistry

(Michael S) #1

Example of Chemical Hygiene Responsibilities Policy

If you do not have a policy, you need to implement one. Here is an example you can

Program Coordinator
The Environmental Health and Safety Coordinator or equivalent will serve as the
program's coordinator. The Environmental Health and Safety Coordinator will do the
 Provide technical assistance to laboratory supervisors and workers concerning
appropriate storage, handling, and disposal of hazardous chemicals.
 Remain current on rules and regulations concerning chemicals used in
laboratories on campus.
 Conduct Laboratory Safety Surveys (LSSs) to assess level of compliance with
the CHP.
 Inform new faculty and staff of the information contained in the CHP. Train or
coordinate for retraining of Department Chemical Hygiene Officers and
Laboratory Supervisors.
 Maintain a library of Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) and other laboratory health and
safety literature.
 Interact with regulators and agencies, maintain records, and file required reports.
 Oversee and maintain the Chemical Inventory Management System (ChIM).

Department Chairperson
Each department chairperson of a science department that uses chemicals will:
 Support the CHP and assist their Department Chemical Hygiene Officer (DCHO)
or equivalent in maintaining awareness and compliance with the plan.
 Prepare budget requests for health and safety improvements.
List your current department chairpersons here:

Department Chemical Hygiene Officer (DCHO)
Essential to our Chemical Hygiene Plan are Departmental Chemical Hygiene Officers.
The following individuals have experience and knowledge of their department's
operations and will act as DCHO's for their respective departments. List your current
DCHOs here:

The duties and responsibilities of the DCHO are to :
 Coordinate with the departmental faculty and staff in developing and carrying out
appropriate laboratory safety, hygiene, and disposal programs specific to their
individual departments.
 Maintain and distribute current legal documents for regulated substances used
within their department.
 Conduct periodic safety inspections at least once a semester; coordinate for the
correction of deficiencies.

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