Medical-surgical Nursing Demystified

(Michael S) #1

CHAPTER 1 Cardiovascular System^11

  • Explain to patient:

    • Rest when pain begins to decrease oxygen demands.

    • Take nitroglycerin when any pain begins—it helps dilate coronary arter-
      ies and get more oxygen to heart muscle.

    • Avoid stress and activities that bring on an angina attack.

    • Call 911 if the pain continues for more than 10 minutes or as the patient
      is taking the third nitroglycerine dose (1 sublingual dose every 5 minutes,
      if BP allows, for maximum of 3 doses).

    • Stop smoking! Smoking is associated with heart disease.

    • Adhere to the prescribed diet and exercise plan. Lower cholesterol and fat
      intake to decrease further plaque build-up, and decrease excess salt intake
      to help BP control. Slowly increase exercise to build up activity tolerance.
      Possibly exercise with cardiac rehabilitation.

    • How to recognize the symptoms of a myocardial infarction: Pay attention
      to chest pains as well as changes in patterns of pain and response to treat-
      ment. Be aware of changes in respiratory patterns, increase in shortness
      of breath, swelling, and general feelings of malaise.

Myocardial Infarction (MI)


Blood supply to the myocardium is interrupted for a prolonged time due to the block-
age of coronary arteries. This results in insufficient oxygen reaching cardiac muscle,
causing cardiac muscles to die (necrosis). MI is commonly known as a heart attack.
The area of infarction is often due to build-up of plaque over time (atheroscle-
rosis). It may also be due to a clot that develops in association with the athero-
sclerosis within the vessel. Patients are typically (not always) symptomatic, but some
patients will not be aware of the event; they will have what is called a silent MI.


The outcome depends on the coronary artery that is affected. The earlier the per-
son enters the healthcare system, the better the prognosis is, because emergency
measures will be available for otherwise fatal arrhythmias.


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