Corporate Finance: Instructor\'s Manual Applied Corporate Finance

(Amelia) #1
Aswath Damodaran 343

Effect of Ratings Constraints: Disney

Debt Ratio Rating Firm Value
0% AAA $62,279
10% AAA $66,397
20% A- $69,837
30% BB+ $71,239
40% CCC $51,661
50% C $34,969
60% C $30,920
70% C $27,711
80% C $25,105
90% C $22,948

This shows how the constrained optimal is computed. With a BBB constraint,

the constrained optimal is about 25%. With a more rigid constraint, it would be

even lower.

This process can be modified to allow for other constraints. For instance, some

firms do not want their book value debt ratios to rise above a certain level (say,

industry averages). In other cases, existing bond covenants may restrict a

financial ratio from exceeding a specified number.

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