Aswath Damodaran 381
Design the perfect financing instrument
! The perfect financing instrument will
- Have all of the tax advantages of debt
- While preserving the flexibility offered by equity
Duration Currency EUnffeccert (^) toafi (^) nIntyf alabtoiount Future Growth^ Patterns
OCythcelri cEaflitfye^ c&ts
DCehfainraec Dteerbisttics DMuartautriiotyn/ CMixurrency
F* iMxedor ves .fl Foaltoinatign gra Rtea te
- i (^) niff (^) lCatFio mnove with
- o (^) nw fiuthtu grreeater uncertainty
SCtoranvigerhtit (^) bvelersus - c (^) aCshon vfleowrtisb lleo (^) wif
enoxpw.^ bgurot^ whitghh
Sopn eDceiablt Features
c-^ aOshp tfiloonwss^ t oo^ mn adkeeb^ t
mon assetsatch cash flows
SCash Flowstart with the
oPnro Ajescstests/
CCaomtamstroodpihtye (^) NBoontedss
Design debt to have cash flows that match up to cash flows on the assets financed