We refer the reader to the original document on the presence data model [15]
for a detailed discussion of the meaning of the various presence data elements.
Indication of Message Composition for IM
Commercial IM systems have introduced a useful presence indication for IM
users, also sometimes called is-typing, that alerts the remote party to wait
for the message. This avoids the nuisance of crossed messages in an interactive
communication. In the SIP standard for this type of presence notification, the
status message is called isComposingand has been defined not only for text-
based IM but also for voice and video exchanges that require some time to pre-
pare [20]. A state machine has been defined that can understand the behavior
of the composer with the help of activity timers and generate the idleand
activestates that are then communicated as presence information in an XML
document with a well-defined namespace and XML schema.
Rich Presence Information
More comprehensive work on the use of presence is reflected in the Rich Pres-
ence Extensions to the Presence Information Data Format (RPID) [21]. The
presence information data in RFC 3863 that is intended for humans has been
extended to be generated by applications for consumption by automata, while
maintaining backward compatibility with RFC 3863. Applications such as the
calendar or UAs can generate such rich information presence, often without
any human intervention. Rich presence information documents avoid the use
of the <note>element that is intended for humans.
Rich presence data elements describe the person, the services, and the
devices. Here are some examples for rich presence data elements:
■■ Activities (many can be generated by the calendar)
■■ appointment
■■ away
■■ breakfast
■■ busy
■■ dinner
■■ holiday
■■ in transit(in a car)
■■ looking for work
■■ lunch
■■ meal
236 Chapter 13