Confucian Writings, trans. and ed. Wing-tsit Chan (New York: Columbia Univer-
sity Press, 1963) 273; cited in Leder, The Absent Body, 164.
- Leder, The Absent Body, 161–73.
- René Descartes, The Philosophical Writings of Descartes, 2 volumes,
trans. John Cottingham, Robert Stoothoff, and Dugald Murdoch, 2 vols. (Lon-
don and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1984, 1985): Meditations on
First Philosophy, 2:33. - Carter, Descartes’ Medical Philosophy, 235.
- Carter, Descartes’ Medical Philosophy, 236.
- Gerald James Larson, “Life Science (Åyurveda) Old and New: In Search
of New Agendas for Healing.” Paper presented at University of Hawaii Center
for South Asian Studies 10thSpring Symposium: Health and Healing in Medical
Systems of South Asia(Honolulu, April 12, 1993). - Zimmermann, The Jungle and the Aroma of Meats, 20.
- Chopra, Perfect Health, 309–310.
- Claude Bernard, cited in Chopra, Creating Health(Boston: Houghton
Mifflin, 1987, 1990) 181. - Chopra, Creating Health, 83.
- Deepak Chopra, Ageless Body, Timeless Mind(New York: Harmony
Books, 1993) 318. - Walter Kaufmann, Nietzsche: Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist(Prince-
ton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1968) 130. - Deutsch, Creative Being, 155.
- Deutsch, Creative Being, 32.
- Plato, Symposium, 208e-209b. In Collected Dialogues of Plato, ed. Edith
Hamilton and Huntington Cairns (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press,
1961). - Erik H. Erikson, Childhood and Society(New York: W. W Norton, 1950,
- 266–67.
- Maslow and Mittelmann, “The Meaning of ‘Healthy,’” in Concepts of
Health, ed. Caplan et al., 49. - Tillich, “The Meaning of Health,” 4.
- Nietzsche, The Gay Science, 177.
- Ingmar Pörn, “An Equilibrium Model of Health,” in Health, Disease, and
Causal Explanation in Medicine, ed. L. Nordenfelt and B. I. B. Lindahl (Dor-
drecht and Boston: D. Reidel Publishing Co., 1984) 5. - Wilhelm Halbfass, Tradition and Reflection, Explorations in Indian
Thought(Albany: State University of New York Press, 1991) 249. - Sure ́svara’s Sambandhav ̄artikka(the introduction to his commentary on
Ía ̇nkara’s BÓrhadara ̄ ÓnyakopaniÓsad-bh ̄aÓsya) verse 28; cited in Halbfass, Tradition
and Reflection, 251. - Deutsch, Creative Being, 40, 34.
- Engelhardt, “The Concepts of Health and Disease” in Concepts of Health
and Disease, ed. Caplan et al., 42. - Cromwell Crawford, “Åyurveda: The Science of Long Life in Contempo-
rary Perspective,” in Eastern and Western Approaches to Healing, ed. Anees A.
Sheikh and Katherina S. Sheikh (New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1989) 30.
182 notes to chapter two