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  1. See also Harish Johari, Chakras, Energy Centers of Transformation
    (Rochester, VT: Destiny Books, 1987).

  2. Woodroffe, The Serpent Power, 228.

  3. Sir John Woodroffe (Arthur Avalon), The Garland of Letters(VarÓna-
    mal ̄ ̄a), Studies in the Mantra ́sastra ̄ (Madras: Ganesh and Co.,1922, 1994) 232.

  4. Eliade, Yoga, Immortality and Freedom, 212.

  5. Kakar, Shamans, Mystics and Doctors, 172.

  6. Woodroffe, The Garland of Letters(VarÓnamal ̄ ̄a), 218–19, 232; Wood-
    roffe, Introduction to Tantra Shastra, 81–82.

  7. Eliade, Yoga, Immortality and Freedom, 215.

  8. Eliade, Yoga, Immortality and Freedom, 212–13.

  9. The Sanskrit alphabet consists of the forty-nine primordial b ̄ıjasor seed-
    sounds, arranged in a logical matrix. The matrix of the Sanskrit alphabet presents
    a set of pure and basic sounds, systematically arranged according to factors such
    as the point in the mouth where the sound is articulated (e.g., the guttural kais
    articulated in the throat, and the labial ma, at the lips).

  10. Banerji, Brief History of Tantra Literature, 116.

  11. Woodroffe, Introduction to Tantra Shastra, 107.

  12. Singh, Tantra, its Mystic and Scientific Basis, 79.

  13. Woodroffe, The Garland of Letters(VarÓnamal ̄ ̄a), 233.

  14. Basu, Fundamentals of the Philosophy of Tantras, 622–23.

  15. Eliade, Yoga, Immortality and Freedom, 215.

  16. Eliade, Yoga, Immortality and Freedom, 215.

  17. Singh, Tantra, its Mystic and Scientific Basis, 96.
    56.Vakyapad ̄ıya1:5,14; cited by Harold Coward, “The Meaning and Power
    of Mantras in BhartÓrhari’s Vakyapad ̄ıya,” in Understanding Mantras, ed. Harvey
    P. Alper (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1989) 172–73.

  18. Shah, Tantra, Its Therapeutic Value, 114–15.

  19. Kakar, Shamans, Mystics and Doctors, 172–73. Omas a mantra’s open-
    ing sound signifies the aim of peaceful state, while Krausignifies the goal of a psy-
    chic state of active struggle.

  20. Kakar, Shamans, Mystics, and Doctors, 174.

  21. Harold Coward, “The Meaning and Power of Mantras in BhartÓrhari’s
    Vakyapad ̄ıya” in Understanding Mantras, ed. Alper, 173–74.
    61.Oxford English Dictionary [OED] 2nd edition, 20 vols., prepared by J. A.
    Simpson and E. S. C. Weiner. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989) s. v. ‘aesthetic.’

  22. Avalon (Woodroffe) Great Liberation(Madras: Ganesh and Co., 1913,

  1. 65 n4.

  1. Basu, Fundamentals of the Philosophy of Tantras, 82.

  2. Eliade, Yoga, Immortality and Freedom, 206.

  3. Kakar, Shamans, Mystics and Doctors, 166.

  4. Shah, Tantra, its Therapeutic Aspect, 3.

  5. Shah, Tantra, its Therapeutic Aspect, 51–54.

  6. Vyaas Houston, “Sanskrit, Planetary Language?” in Devavan ̄ ̄ı: Sanskrit,
    Sacred Language, and Self Knowledge(Warwick, NY: American Sanskrit Insti-
    tute, 1993) 10.

  7. Shah, Tantra, its Therapeutic Aspect, 54.

188 notes to chapter four

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