70.N ̄ada-bindupaniÓsad43. The Yoga-UpaniÓsads, trans. T. R. Ír ̄ınivasa
Ayya ̇ngar, 178.
71.Yoga- ́sikhopaniÓsad, 3:1–5. Yoga-UpaniÓsads, trans. Ayya ̇ngar, 366–68.
- Lewis Rowell, Music and Musical Thought in Early India(Chicago and
London: University of Chicago Press, 1992) 10, 166–67.
73.The Stanzas on Vibration: The SpaÓnÓdak ̄arika with Four Commentaries ̄ ,
trans. Mark S. G. Dyczkowski (Albany: State University of New York Press,
1992)105. - Harold G. Coward, “The Spiritual Power of Oral and Written Scripture,”
in Silence, the Word and the Sacred, ed. E. D. Blodgett and H. G. Coward (Water-
loo, Ontario, Canada: Wilfred Laurier Press, 1989) 113. - Harold G. Koenig, Is Religion Good for Your Health? The Effects of Re-
ligion on Mental and Physical Health(Binghamton, NY: The Haworth Pastoral
Press, 1997) 81–82. - James K. McNeley, Holy Wind in Navajo Philosophy(Tucson: University
of Arizona Press, 1981) 1. - Gary Witherspoon, Language and Art in the Navajo Universe(Ann
Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1977) 61; cited in McNeley, Holy Wind in
Navajo Philosophy, 58. - Johnny Moses (Whisstemenee:Walking Medicine Robe), “Northwest
Coast Medicine Teachings: An Interview with Johnny Moses” by Timothy White.
Shaman’s Drum(Spring 1991) 36–43. - Johnny Moses, “Native Northwest Coast Song and Drum.” Lecture/pres-
entation, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, June 14, 1996. - Johnny Moses, SiSíWiss Medicine Teachings. First Unitarian Church of
Honolulu, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 1993. - Swami Prajñ ̄an ̄ananda, A Historical Study of Indian Music(1975) xxviii,
cited in Shah, Tantra: Its Therapeutic Aspect, 60–61. - William K. Powers, Sacred Language, The Nature of Supernatural Dis-
course in Lakota (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1986) 6, 46–47. - Powers, Sacred Language, 66–67.
- Riley Lee, Lecture/performance on the shakuhachiflute, East-West Cen-
ter, Honolulu, Hawaii, October 1993. - Vyaas Houston, “The Yoga of Learning Sanskrit,” in Devav ̄an ̄ı,18.
- Houston, “Sanskrit—Planetary Language?” in Devav ̄an ̄ı,10.
- Vyaas Houston, “Sanskrit as Spiritual Practice,” Yoga International
(May/June 1992) 30–35. In Devavan ̄ ̄ı,50. - Coward, “Spiritual Power of Oral and Written Scripture,” 126.
- Coward, “Spiritual Power of Oral and Written Scripture,” 127.
- Huston Smith, quoted in Chant, National Public Radio Program (Hon-
olulu: University of Hawaii Sinclair Library, audio cassete vol. 975) 1983. - Tokeya Inajin (Kevin Locke) and Jim Deerhawk, Dream Catcher[audio
cassette] (Redway, CA: Earthbeat, 1992) liner notes. - Kevin Locke (Tokeya Inajin) in The Spirit World [Series: The American
Indians] (Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books, 1992) 29. - Coward, “Scripture in Hinduism,” inSacred Word and Sacred Text: Scripture
in World Religions, ed. Harold Coward (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1988), 116.
notes to chapter four 189