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70.N ̄ada-bindupaniÓsad43. The Yoga-UpaniÓsads, trans. T. R. Ír ̄ınivasa
Ayya ̇ngar, 178.
71.Yoga- ́sikhopaniÓsad, 3:1–5. Yoga-UpaniÓsads, trans. Ayya ̇ngar, 366–68.

  1. Lewis Rowell, Music and Musical Thought in Early India(Chicago and
    London: University of Chicago Press, 1992) 10, 166–67.
    73.The Stanzas on Vibration: The SpaÓnÓdak ̄arika with Four Commentaries ̄ ,
    trans. Mark S. G. Dyczkowski (Albany: State University of New York Press,

  2. Harold G. Coward, “The Spiritual Power of Oral and Written Scripture,”
    in Silence, the Word and the Sacred, ed. E. D. Blodgett and H. G. Coward (Water-
    loo, Ontario, Canada: Wilfred Laurier Press, 1989) 113.

  3. Harold G. Koenig, Is Religion Good for Your Health? The Effects of Re-
    ligion on Mental and Physical Health(Binghamton, NY: The Haworth Pastoral
    Press, 1997) 81–82.

  4. James K. McNeley, Holy Wind in Navajo Philosophy(Tucson: University
    of Arizona Press, 1981) 1.

  5. Gary Witherspoon, Language and Art in the Navajo Universe(Ann
    Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1977) 61; cited in McNeley, Holy Wind in
    Navajo Philosophy, 58.

  6. Johnny Moses (Whisstemenee:Walking Medicine Robe), “Northwest
    Coast Medicine Teachings: An Interview with Johnny Moses” by Timothy White.
    Shaman’s Drum(Spring 1991) 36–43.

  7. Johnny Moses, “Native Northwest Coast Song and Drum.” Lecture/pres-
    entation, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, June 14, 1996.

  8. Johnny Moses, SiSíWiss Medicine Teachings. First Unitarian Church of
    Honolulu, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 1993.

  9. Swami Prajñ ̄an ̄ananda, A Historical Study of Indian Music(1975) xxviii,
    cited in Shah, Tantra: Its Therapeutic Aspect, 60–61.

  10. William K. Powers, Sacred Language, The Nature of Supernatural Dis-
    course in Lakota (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1986) 6, 46–47.

  11. Powers, Sacred Language, 66–67.

  12. Riley Lee, Lecture/performance on the shakuhachiflute, East-West Cen-
    ter, Honolulu, Hawaii, October 1993.

  13. Vyaas Houston, “The Yoga of Learning Sanskrit,” in Devav ̄an ̄ı,18.

  14. Houston, “Sanskrit—Planetary Language?” in Devav ̄an ̄ı,10.

  15. Vyaas Houston, “Sanskrit as Spiritual Practice,” Yoga International
    (May/June 1992) 30–35. In Devavan ̄ ̄ı,50.

  16. Coward, “Spiritual Power of Oral and Written Scripture,” 126.

  17. Coward, “Spiritual Power of Oral and Written Scripture,” 127.

  18. Huston Smith, quoted in Chant, National Public Radio Program (Hon-
    olulu: University of Hawaii Sinclair Library, audio cassete vol. 975) 1983.

  19. Tokeya Inajin (Kevin Locke) and Jim Deerhawk, Dream Catcher[audio
    cassette] (Redway, CA: Earthbeat, 1992) liner notes.

  20. Kevin Locke (Tokeya Inajin) in The Spirit World [Series: The American
    Indians] (Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books, 1992) 29.

  21. Coward, “Scripture in Hinduism,” inSacred Word and Sacred Text: Scripture
    in World Religions, ed. Harold Coward (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1988), 116.

notes to chapter four 189
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