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(Ann) #1

Nature (continued)
Yoga’s disvaluing of, 139–40
Tantra’s valuing of, 139–40, 166,
Neo-Confucianism. SeeChinese
New Testament, 2, 12
Ni¬ch’i (Navajo: ‘Holy Wind’), 160
Non-injury, 92, 106–7
Non-susceptibility, 56–58. See also
Normality, 49, 58–61
Ny ̄aya, 42
One-pointedness, 86, 104, 122–23,
126, 135, 143. See also Sanskrit
terms index Ek ̄agrat ̄a
and Om, 152
in chant, 164
in Sanskrit, 155
Oral tradition, 158, 160–61, 173
Organs of action, 101
Overpopulation, 74
Pain, 59, 61–63, 130
Pairs of opposites, 111, 112, 114
Particularity, 34
Pathogenicity, 44, 53, 135–36
Person, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 18, 21, 23. See
also Body
psychophysical, 5–6
as psychosomatic process, 13
as agent of ritual and sacrifice, 24
as tripod, 43
field model, 173
five-sheaths model, 25
Person and body
Indian views, 21–27
Personhood, 7
as achievement, 13, 68
Pharmacology, 5, 40, 53, 63, 168–69
Phenomenology, 14, 62, 65–66
Philosophy of medicine. See Medicine,
Chinese, 19, 41
classical Western, 18–19
contemporary, 19–21, 81

Descartes’, 14–15
Greek, 17–19
Physiology, 40, 44
esoteric physiology of Tantra, 24,
92, 148–49
as material for musical instruments,
Buddhahood of, 170
in food chain, 60
in Lakota philosophy, 170
in reincarnation, 22
medicinal, 24, 38–39, 61, 87, 168–

  1. See also Herbal medicine
    and mantra, 169
    in Chinese philosophy, 13
    in Tantra, 145
    Postures. See Sanskrit terms index
    Yoga: ̄asana
    Prevention, 40–41, 46, 52–54, 55–56,
    67, 76, 79–82, 107, 116
    Prayer, 2, 4, 9, 39, 168
    Print-dominated culture, 158. See also
    Oral tradition
    Process metaphysics, 13
    Prognosis, 39, 71–72
    Psychology, psychological health, 63,
    64, 67–68, 74, 77–78, 103–4,
    112, 141, 155. See alsoMental
    Psychosomatic medicine, 19–20
    Purification, 108–9, 111, 121, 135
    of mind, 104
    with mantra, 152
    Purity, 36, 79, 102, 106, 109–11,
    135–36, 142
    Rattle, 162, 165
    Recreation, 46, 75, 81, 174
    Regimen Sanitarius Salernum (medi-
    eval European medical text), 17
    Reincarnation, 22
    Relationality, 8, 69–72, 167–74
    Yoga’s disvaluing of, 139–40
    Tantra’s valuing of, 139–40
    Relaxation, 57–58, 114

206 subject index

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