Pra ̄Ónay ̄ ̄ama. See underYoga
PrakÓrti(materiality, one of two con-
stituents of being), 125, 140. See
alsoprakÓrti and puruÓsa
PrakÓrti and PuruÓsa (materiality and
consciousness: the two constitu-
ents of being), 6, 28–29, 32–33,
85–86, 95–96, 99–102, 105, 112,
116, 130, 134, 136–37, 144, 171
in Tantra, 32–33
PraÓnava (the primordial sound Om),
Prasada ̄ Óna (purification), 104
Praty ̄ah ̄ara. See underYoga
Pratyaya-eka-t ̄anat ̄a (the mind flowing
as one), 124–25
Preya vs.sreya ́ (pleasure vs. the higher
good), 102
PuruÓsa (consciousness, one of two
constituents of being; the true
Self), 7, 23, 25, 97, 98. See also
PrakÓrti and puruÓsa
PuruÓsa and PrakÓrti. SeePrakÓriti and
PuruÓsa-khy ̄ati (discernment of Self),
PuruÓs ̄artha-s (Four Aims of Life), 4,
38, 79
R ̄aga
(the affliction of attraction). See
underKle ́sa-s
(musical framework), 157
Rajas. See under GuÓnas-s
Rasa (juice, essence), 42, 60, 63, 149
Roga (illness), 65, 76
Íabda-brahman (Brahman as sound),
150, 155–57
dhvanivs. varÓna(primal unvoiced vs.
human-voiced sound), 150
madhyama- ́sabda(middle sound:
sounds of Sanskrit alphabet),
para- ́sabda(ultimate sound), 156
pa ́syanti- ́sabda(visualizing sound),
vaikhara- ́sabda(manifest sound:
speech)155, 156
S ̄adhana (discipline or practice), 113,
t ̄antric, 30, 34–36, 142
Íakti (cosmic energy in its dynamic as-
pect), 31, 33, 82, 142, 143–44,
147, 150, 155, 161. See also Íiva/
Íaktipata ̄ (influx of spiritual energy),
Sam ̄adhi(meditative trance) 86, 90,
92, 98–100, 104, 112, 119, 122–
24, 125–31, 135, 185n53
and integration, 128. See also
sam ̄adhi and vy ̄adhi
eight stages (table), 127
sab ̄ıja(with seed) and nirb ̄ıja(with-
out seed), 127–30
samprajñata ̄ (cognitive) and
asamprajñ ̄ata(supracognitive or
nirodha sam ̄adhi), 127–30
in Tantra, 149
Sam ̄adhiand vy ̄adhi(illness)
polarity of, 122–23, 130–31, 135
Sam ̄adhi, samprajñata [= four samap- ̄
̄atti-s]four stages (table), 129
Íamana (alleviation therapy), 61
Samapatti-s ̄ , four (coalescences of
mind with object). SeeSam ̄adhi:
samprajn ̄ata
in eight stages of sam ̄adhi (table),
Samdhi Ó (euphonious sound-
combination), 163
SamsÓ ̄ara (cycle of rebirth and suffer-
ing), 22, 77, 83, 110, 132
SamskÓ ̄ara-s (mental impressions of ex-
perience), 27, 100, 105, 127, 128,
t ̄antric, 146–47
Samyama Ó (absorbed meditative con-
centration), 123, 146
Samyoga Ó (conjunction of experiencer
and experienced), 94, 96
Samyogavahin (body as vehicle for
congruous junctions), 44
214 sanskrit terms