Íariram (body), 22, 43
Satmya ̄ (habituation therapy), 56
SattipaÓtÓth ̄ana (mindfulness), 91
Sattva (purity, awareness; one of the
three guÓnas). See underGuÓna-s
and buddhi, 95, 109
Íiva (cosmic energy in its conscious as-
pect). SeeÍiva/Íakti
Íiva/Íakti (two principles of Being:
conscious and dynamic aspects),
31–32, 33, 144, 145, 147, 149,
154, 155
Íreyavs. preya(the higher good vs.
pleasure), 102
SÓrÓsÓtri (creation), 28
SÓrÓsÓtri-r ̄upa(creative matrix)[= ́sakti],
Sukha (health or mental ease), 169
Svadhy ̄ ̄aya (self-education). See under
Svasthata ̄(abiding in oneself), 3
Svasthya ̄ (abiding in oneself), 3, 77,
133, 153
Tamas. See under GuÓna-s
Tanmatras ̄ (subtle elements), 127
and cakras, 148
Tarka (reasoning), 88
in samadhi ̄ , 127
Tri-dhatu ̄. SeeDh ̄atu-s
Tri-doÓsa. SeeDoÓsa-s
Ujana sadhana ̄ (against the current),
Vair ̄agya (dispassion, non-
attachment), 98, 106
VarÓna-s (Sanskrit sounds), 155
V ̄ayu-s (air; vital breaths or forces),
five vital forces (table), 120
VikÓsepas (symptoms of distraction)
(list), 104
VikÓsipta (alternating focused and dis-
tracted state of mind), 126
Viveka (discrimination), 104–5
Viveka-jñana ̄ (higher knowledge
gained by discriminative know-
ing), 106
Viveka-khy ̄ati(discriminative knowing),
104–6, 132–33. See alsokhy ̄ati
VÓrtti-s (mental processes; ‘turnings of
mind), 97–98, 104–5, 114, 118,
121, 130, 132, 160, 163
(list), 97
pram ̄ana (right knowing by percep-
tion, inference, or authority), 97–
viparyaya(wrong knowing), 97–99
vikalpa(conceptualization), 97–98
nidra ̄(sleep), 97–98
smÓrti(memory), 97–98
Vyadhe ̄ Óh muc (free from illness), 136
Vyadhi ̄ (illness), 136. See also Sam ̄adhi
and Vy ̄adhi
Yama-s (moral relf-restraints), 106–9,
ahims ̇ ̄a(non-injury), 92, 106–7
satya(truth), 107–8
asteya(non-stealing), 108
brahmacarya(restraint of sensuality),
aparigraha(non-acqusitiveness), 109
Yantra-s(mystical diagrams), 141–43,
Íri Yantra(the Great Yantra), 142–
43, 187n13
Íri Yantra(figure), 143
Yoga(discipline of psychophysical
and spiritual integration for
Classical/P ̄atañjala/AÓsÓt ̄a ̇nga/R ̄aj ̄a,
- See also subject indexYoga
eight limbs of Classical Yoga (table),
yama(moral self-restraints). See
niyama(moral commitments). See
asana ̄ (postures), 88, 90, 92, 113–
17, 156, 173, 184n41
pr ̄aÓnay ̄ ̄ama(breath disciplines), 88,
90, 91–93, 109, 111, 113, 115,
sanskrit terms 215