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Adidevananda, Swami, 99, 103–4
Agnive ́sa, xiii, 46
Ames, Roger T., 13
Apte, V. S., xiii
Arjuna, 26, 89
Aurobindo, Íri, 93–94
Avalon, Arthur (Sir John Woodroffe),
142, 149, 154

Banerji, S. C., 31, 145
Basu, Manoranjam, 154
Bernard, Claude, 54, 72
BhartÓrhari, 152
Black Elk, Wallace H., 170
Boorse, Christopher, 49–50
Brahm ̄a, 37
Brody, Howard and David S. Sobel, 54
Buddha, the, 91, 171

CakrapaÓnidatta, 46, xiii
Canguilhem, Georg, 50
Caraka, 38, 44, 46
Carter, Richard B., 14–15
Casey, John Thomas, 143
Chattopadhyaya, Debiprasad, 78–79
Chopra, Deepak, 47–48, 72–73
Chuang Tzu, 52
Coward, Harold G., 158, 164
Crawford, S. Cromwell, 43–44, 78,

Darwin, Charles, 54–55
Dasgupta, Surendranath, 90, 100

Dash, Vaidya Bhagwan and Acarya
Manfred M. Junius, 54
Descartes, René, 12, 13, 14–17, 55,
69, 70
Desikachar, T.K.V., 120–21
Deutsch, Eliot, 12, 13, 68, 73, 77, 116
Dissanayake, Wimal, 27
Dossey, Larry, 107
Douglas, Mary, 136
DÓrÓdhabala, xiii, 46
Dubos, René, 54

Eliade, Mircea, 31, 34–35, 85–86,
123, 126, 128, 142, 144, 154
Elizabeth, Princess of Bohemia, 16
Engelhardt, H. Tristam, 49, 77
Erikson, Erik H., 74

Fields, Gregory P., xiii
Filliozat, Jean, 38
Fingarette, Herbert, 68
Frawley, David and Vasant Lad, 169

Gandhi, Mohandas K., 108
GorakÓsa, 183n17

Halbfass, Wilhelm, 3, 7, 12, 21, 76–
77, 101, 133
Haribhadra, 91–92
Harvey, William, 18
Hegel, G.W.F., 21, 66
Heidegger, Martin, 65
Heyn, Birgit, 60
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