Big History: The Big Bang, Life on Earth, and the Rise of Humanity

(John Hannent) #1

Lecture 6: How Did Everything Begin?

How Did Everything Begin? ..............................................................


“There was neither non-existence nor existence then.” What we’re
talking about is a sort of state in which there’s not quite nothing, but
there’s not quite something; there’s sort of potential. That, in fact, is
very like modern accounts of the vacuum.

—Rigveda, the basic Hindu scriptures


ow was the Universe created? This lecture summarizes the modern
answer to this fundamental question and explores the evidence on
which it is based. All human societies have asked how everything
began, and they have all offered answers of some kind. Traditional
answers rested on limited evidence. Yet they were often poetically rich and
philosophically deep, and they mattered because they helped people map
their place in space and time. Most assumed that the Universe had been
created by a deity or deities. Modern scienti¿ c answers do not posit a divine
creator, because such a claim cannot be supported with scienti¿ c evidence.
Besides, it raises the awkward question of how the creator was created.
However, like all other accounts, the modern account also faces the “paradox
of beginnings”: the challenge of explaining how something can come from
nothing. And it offers no solution. We just don’t know what there was before
the moment of creation. We do not even know if time or space existed. In
such cases, scientists will generally admit their ignorance, while continuing
to search for new forms of evidence.

Yet from a moment after the creation, astronomers can tell a well-grounded
scienti¿ c story based on masses of carefully tested evidence. It begins 13.7
billion years ago. To explain this story, we need some very large and very
small numbers, for which we use “exponential” notation. A ¿ gure 1 with two
zeroes (100) represents two 10s multiplied together. The ¿ gure 1,000 (with
3 0s) represents three 10s multiplied together. In exponential notation we
write these numbers as 10^2 and 10^3. We can do the same with fractions. One
hundredth (1/100 or 0.01) is 0.1 multiplied by itself. So we write 10í^2 for
1/100, and 10í^3 for 1/1000.
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