The New York Review of Books - USA - 16.12.2021

(EriveltonMoraes) #1

(but will give to other people anyway)


The Genesis Quest
The Geniuses and Eccentrics on a
Journey to Uncover the Origin of Life
on Earth

“It’s a fascinating and challenging story, and
leavened with mini-biographies, the best of
which are based on his own interviews with his
subjects.”—New York Review of Books
PAPER $18.


Belonging and Betrayal
How Jews Made the Art World Modern

“An exceptional work of scholarship. A brilliant
account of Nazi pillage and the ongoing eff orts
at restitution.”—Kirkus starred review
CLOTH $40.

Extraordinary Orchids

With a Foreword by Mark W. Chase

“Full of captivating surprises and interesting
information about this immense, diverse family
of fl owering plants.”—BBC Wildlife
CLOTH $30.

The Pocket Epicurean

“Not only an excellent introduction to the his-
tory of Epicurean philosophy, but also a helpful
guide to facing the manifold anxieties of mod-
ern life.”—The Idler, on the UK edition
CLOTH $12.

The Very Idea

“Clear, intelligent, and fi lled with fascinating
examples, this book is contemporary while reach-
ing beyond the fashionable, and it will arouse a
good deal of discussion.”—Simon Goldhill, author
of Preposterous Poetics
CLOTH $27.

Black Paper
Writing in a Dark Time

“To read this book is to enjoy the generosity of
Cole’s thought, to be invited into a contemplation
of your inner life, to embrace the complexity of
others, and to see in the darkness not only despair
but also understanding and even refuge.”
CLOTH $22.

The Blues Dream of
Billy Boy Arnold
 )  ,

“The fi rst two singles I ever played on were cov-
ers of Billy Boy Arnold tunes that I recorded with
the Yardbirds. I’m very happy to see his amazing
personal story fi nally appear in print.”
—Eric Clapton
CLOTH $30.

Bette Davis Black and

“Stern gracefully combines her profound
empathy, comprehensive erudition, and lifelong
refl ections on Bette Davis fi lms to illuminate the
craft of Black artists and the complexity of African
American audiences’ engagement with Davis’s
portrayals.”—Cynthia Baron, author of Modern
PAPER $22.

The books you want

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