Practice pronunciation of medical terms by reading the following medical report aloud.
The bronchoscope was passed transnasally. The vocal cords, larynx, and trachea were normal. The main carina was
sharp. All bronchopulmonary segments were visualized. There was an endobronchial friable mucosal lesion seen in
the left lower lobe bronchus, partially occluding the entire left lower lobe bronchus. No other endobronchial lesions
or bleeding sites were noted.
Under fluoroscopic control, transbronchial biopsies of this left lower lung area were obtained, as well as transbronchial
needle aspiration, bronchial brush biopsies, and bronchial brush washings for cytology evaluation. Sterile brush cultures
for culture and sensitivity, acid-fast bacilli, fungus, and Legionellawere also done.
The patient tolerated the procedure well.
Review the medical record to answer the following questions. Use a medical dictionary such as Taber’s Cyclopedic
Medical Dictionaryand other resources if needed.
- What does “bronchoscope was inserted transnasally” mean?
- What was seen in the left lower bronchus?
- What kinds of biopsies were obtained during the bronchoscopy?
- What type of radiographic procedure was used to enhance visualization to obtain biopsies for cytology
evaluation? - What condition results from the bacterium Legionella?
146 CHAPTER 4• Respiratory System