Medical Terminology Simplified

(Grace) #1

Boldfaceindicates a word root or combining form. Blueindicates a suffix. Pinkindicates a prefix.

182 CHAPTER 5• Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems

This section introduces CFs, suffixes, and prefixes related to the lymphatic system, along with
each element’s meaning, an example, and additional analysis of key elements in the example.
Review the following table and pronounce each word in the word analysis column aloud before
you begin to work in the frames.
Word Element Meaning Word Analysis
Combining Forms
aden/o gland aden/o/pathy (ă-dĕ-NŎP-ă-thē): disease of a gland
-pathy: disease
agglutin/o clumping, agglutin/ation (ă-gloo-tĭ-NĀ-shŭn): process of cells clumping together
gluing -ation: process (of)
immun/o immune, immun/o/gen (ĭ-MŪ-nō-jĕn): producing immunity
immunity, safe -gen: forming, producing, origin
An immunogen is a substance capable of producing an immune response.
lymph/o lymph lymph/o/poiesis (lĭm-fō-poy-Ē-sĭs): formation of lymphocytes or of lymphoid
-poiesis: formation, production
lymphaden/o lymph gland lymphaden/itis (lĭm-făd-ĕn-Ī-tĭs): inflammation of a lymph gland (node)
(node) -itis: inflammation
lymphangi/o lymph vessel lymphangi/oma (lĭm-făn-jē-Ō-mă): tumor composed of lymphatic vessels
-oma: tumor
phag/o swallowing, phag/o/cyte (FĂG-ō-sīt): cell that swallows and eats (cellular debris)
eating -cyte: cell
A phagocyte surrounds, engulfs, and digests microorganisms and cellular debris.
splen/o spleen splen/o/megaly (splĕ-nō-MĔG-ă-lē): enlargement of the spleen
-megaly: enlargement
thym/o thymus gland thym/oma (thī-MŌ-mă): tumor of the thymus gland, usually a benign tumor
-oma: tumor
-phylaxis protection ana/phylaxis(ăn-ă-fĭ-LĂK-sĭs): against protection
ana-: against; up; back
Anaphylaxis is an extreme allergic reaction characterized by a rapid decrease in blood
pressure, breathing difficulties, hives, and abdominal cramps.

Pronunciation Help Long sound a ̄in ra ̄te e ̄in re ̄birth ı ̄in ı ̄sle o ̄in o ̄ver u ̄in u ̄nite
Short sound a ̆in a ̆lone e ̆in e ̆ver ̆ıin ı ̆t o ̆in no ̆t u ̆in cu ̆t

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audio exercise of the terms in this table. It will help you master pronunciations
and meanings of the medical terms.
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