Radiographic study using a narrow beam of x-rays that rotates in a full arc around the
patient to acquire multiple views of the body, which a computer interprets to pro-
duce cross-sectional images of an internal organ or tissue; also called computerized
axial tomography (CAT) scanning
CT scanning of the urinary system, called CT KUB or abdominal and pelvic CT, pro-
duces images of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder (KUB) with or without a contrast
medium. It helps detect kidney stones, obstructions, renal masses, and other urinary
Radiographic study of the kidney, ureters, and, usually, the bladder after injection of
a contrast agent
A contrast medium is injected into a vein (intravenous pyelography) or through a
catheter placed through the urethra, bladder, or ureter and into the renal pelvis (retro-
grade pyelography).
Radiographic imaging in which a contrast medium is injected intravenously and se-
rial x-ray films are taken to provide visualization of the entire urinary tract; also
called intravenous urography(IVU) or excretory urography(EU)
In IVP, the x-ray image produced is known as a pyelogram or urogram.
Radiographic imaging in which a contrast medium is introduced through a cysto-
scope directly into the bladder and ureters using small-caliber catheters
RP provides detailed visualization of the urinary collecting system (pelvis and calyces of
the kidney as well as the ureters). It helps locate urinary tract obstruction. It may also
serve as a substitute for IVP when a patient is allergic to the contrast medium.
Radiographic technique that produces images of an organ or area of the body by in-
troducing a radionuclide substance (tracer or radiopharmaceutical) that releases a
low level of radiation; also called nuclear scanning, radionuclide imaging, and nuclear
medicine scan
The amount of radioactivity used in a nuclear scan is very small and is not known to
cause harm.
Nuclear scan that determines renal function and shape
308 CHAPTER 7• Urinary System
pyel/o: renal pelvis
-graphy: process of
intravenous pyelogra-
phy (IVP)
ĭn-tră-VĒ-nŭs pī-ĕ-
intra: in, within
ven: vein
-ous: pertaining to
pyel/o: renal pelvis
-graphy: process of
retrograde pyelography
RĔT-rō-grād pī-ĕ-
retro-: backward,
-grade: to go
pyel/o: renal pelvis
-graphy: process of
nuclear scan
ren: kidney
-al: pertaining to
computed tomography
kŏm-PŪ-tĕd tō-MŎG-ră-fē
tom/o: to cut, slice
-graphy: process of