1–34 Understanding the word-building system will help you decipher the mean-
ings of medical terms.
Using the word-building system to identify basic elements of a medical word will
help you learn ____________________ terminology.
1–35 In the word dermat/o/logy, the root is ____________________;the
combining form is ____________________ / _____.
A combining vowel is used to link a root to another root to form a compound word. This rule holds true even
if the next root begins with a vowel, as in gastr/o/enter/itis.
1–36 In the word gastr/o/enter/itis,the roots gastr(stomach) and enter
(intestine) are linked together with the combining vowel _____.
1–37 The roots in leuk/o/cyt/o/penia are __________and __________.
The suffix is __________.
1–38 Identify the CFs in leuk/o/cyt/o/penia:
__________ / _____ and __________ / _____.
1–39 List the CFs in electr/o/cardi/o/gram:
____________________ / _____ and __________ / _____.
1–40 You are now using the programmed learning method. If you are experienc-
ing difficulty writing the correct answers, go back to Frame 1–1 and rework the
To master material that has been covered, you can always go __________ to review
the frames.
Throughout the textbook, all word roots and combining forms that stand alone are set in boldface.
Frame 1–28to Frame 1–40
Word Elements • CHAPTER 1 7
dermat, dermat/o
leuk, cyt
leuk/o, cyt/o
electr/o, cardi/o