Medical Terminology Simplified

(Grace) #1

332 CHAPTER 8• Reproductive Systems

This section introduces combining forms (CFs) related to the female reproductive system. In-
cluded are key suffixes; prefixes are defined in the right-hand column as needed. Review the fol-
lowing table and pronounce each word in the word analysis column aloud before you begin to
work the frames.
Word Element Meaning Word Analysis
Combining Forms
amni/o amnion amni/o/centesis (ăm-nē-ō-sĕn-TĒ-sĭs): surgical puncture of the amniotic sac
(amniotic sac) -centesis: surgical puncture
The sample of amniotic fluid obtained in amniocentesis is studied chemically and cyto-
logically to detect genetic abnormalities, biochemical disorders, and maternal–fetal
blood incompatibility.
cervic/o neck; cervix cervic/itis (sĕr-vĭ-SĪ-tĭs): inflammation of the cervix uteri
uteri (neck of -itis: inflammation
the uterus)
Cervicitis is usually the result of infection or a sexually transmitted infection. It may
also become chronic because, unlike the uterine lining, the cervical lining is not re-
newed each month during menstruation.
colp/o vagina colp/o/scopy (kŏl-PŎS-kō-pē): examination of the vagina and cervix with an opti-
cal magnifying instrument (colposcope)
-scopy: visual examination
Colposcopy is commonly performed after a Papanicolaou (Pap) test for treatment of
cervical dysplasia and to obtain biopsy specimens of the cervix.
vagin/o vagin/o/cele (VĂJ-ĭn-ō-sēl): herniation into the vagina; also called a colpocele
-cele: hernia; swelling
galact/o milk galact/o/rrhea (gă-lăk-tō-RĒ-ă): discharge or flow of milk
-rrhea: discharge, flow
lact/o lact/o/gen (LĂK-tō-jĕn): production and secretion of milk
-gen: forming, producing, origin
gynec/o woman, female gynec/o/logist (gī-nĕ-KŎL-ō-jĭst): physician specializing in treating disorders of
the female reproductive system
-logist: specialist in the study of
hyster/o uterus (womb) hyster/ectomy (hĭs-tĕr-ĔK-tō-mē): excision of the uterus
-ectomy: excision, removal
uter/o uter/o/vagin/al (ū-tĕr-ō-VĂJ-ĭ-năl): pertaining to the uterus and vagina
vagin: vagina
-al: pertaining to
mamm/o breast mamm/o/gram (MĂM-ō-grăm): radiograph of the breast
-gram: record, writing
mast/o mast/o/pexy (MĂS-tō-pĕks-ē): surgical fixation of the breast(s)
-pexy: fixation (of an organ)
Mastopexy is a cosmetic surgery to affix sagging breasts in a more elevated position,
commonly improving their shape.
men/o menses, men/o/rrhagia (mĕn-ō-RĀ-jē-ă): excessive amount of menstrual flow over a
menstruation longer duration than normal
-rrhagia: bursting forth (of)
metr/o uterus (womb); endo/metr/itis (ĕn-dō-mē-TRĪ-tĭs): inflammation of the endometrium
measure endo-: in, within
-itis: inflammation
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