Boldfaceindicates a word root or combining form. Blueindicates a suffix. Pinkindicates a prefix.
426 CHAPTER 9• Endocrine and Nervous Systems
9–103 A stroke, also called cerebr/o/vascul/ar accident (CVA), is the rapid loss
of brain function due to disturbance of the normal blood supply (ischemia)to the
brain. This can be due to occlusion from an embolus or thrombus (ischemic stroke)
or a ruptured blood vessel (hemorrhagic stroke).The resulting neur/o/logic/al
symptoms vary according to the location of the obstruction and extent of brain tissue
Write the terms in this frame that mean
bursting forth (of) blood:__________ / _____ / ____________________
pertaining to the cerebrum and blood vessels:
____________________ / _____ / ____________________ / __________
stationary blood clot:____________________
9–104 Stroke caused by hem/o/rrhage from a cerebral artery is commonly fatal.
It usually results from high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, or the bursting of an arte-
rial aneurysm (localized dilation of the blood vessel wall). The CF aneurysm/omeans
a widening or a widened blood vessel.
Use aneurysm/oto construct a medical word that means excision of an aneurysm.
____________________ / ____________________
9–105 As discussed earlier, the entire nervous system is composed of two princi-
pal types of cells, neurons and neuroglia. The supporting cells in the CNS collectively
are called neur/o/glia.
A term that literally means nerve glueis __________ / _____ / __________.
9–106 A neur/o/cyte, commonly called a neuron, is a nerve cell. A term that
literally means nerve cellis __________ / _____ / __________.
Mental Disorders
A mental disorder, also called mental illness, psychiatric disorder,oremotional illness,is a psychological pattern
potentially reflected in behavior that is generally associated with distress or disability and that is not considered part
of normal development. These disorders are generally defined by a combination of how a person feels, behaves, thinks,
or perceives. The disorder may be associated with particular regions or functions of the brain or the rest of the nervous
system, often in a social context. In most cases, mental illness symptoms can be managed with a combination of med-
ications and counseling (psychotherapy). Examples of mental illness include depression, anxiety disorders, schizo-
phrenia, eating disorders, and addictive behaviors.
9–107 Besides path/o/logical conditions, which were discussed earlier in this
chapter, some CFs and suffixes are used to identify mental disorders. For example,
phob/ic disorders are anxiety disorders characterized by extreme and irrational fear
or social situations. The suffix -phobia, which means fear,is a general suffix used to
describe all types of fears.
A person who has an extreme fear of cancer suffers from a phobia known as
____________________ / _____ / ____________________.