Medical Terminology Simplified

(Grace) #1
550 APPENDIX A• Glossary of Medical Word Elements

Medical Word Medical Word
Element Meaning Element Meaning
core/o pupil
corne/o cornea
coron/o heart
corp/o body
corpor/o body
cortic/o cortex
cost/o ribs
crani/o cranium (skull)
crin/o secrete
-crine secrete
cruci/o cross
cry/o cold
crypt/o hidden
culd/o cul-de-sac
-cusia hearing
-cusis hearing
cutane/o skin
cyan/o blue
cycl/o ciliary body of the eye; circular;
-cyesis pregnancy
cyst/o bladder
cyt/o cell
-cyte cell
dacry/o tear; lacrimal apparatus (duct, sac,
or gland)
dacryocyst/o lacrimal sac
dactyl/o fingers; toes
de- cessation
dendr/o tree
dent/o teeth
derm/o skin
-derma skin
dermat/o skin
-desis binding, fixation (of a bone or
di- double
dia- through, across
dipl- double
dipl/o double
dips/o thirst
-dipsia thirst
dist/o far, farthest

dors/o back (of the body)
duct/o to lead; carry
-duction act of leading, bringing,
duoden/o duodenum (first part of the small
dur/o dura mater; hard
-dynia pain
dys- bad; painful; difficult
-eal pertaining to
ec- out, out from
echo- a repeated sound
-ectasis dilation, expansion
ecto- outside, outward
-ectomy excision, removal
-edema swelling
ef- away from
electr/o electricity
-ema state of; condition
embol/o embolus (plug)
-emesis vomiting
-emia blood condition
emphys/o to inflate
en- in, within
encephal/o brain
end- in, within
endo- in, within
enter/o intestine (usually small intestine)
eosin/o dawn (rose-colored)
epi- above, upon
epididym/o epididymis
epiglott/o epiglottis
episi/o vulva
erythem/o red
erythemat/o red
erythr/o red
eschar/o scab
-esis condition
eso- inward
esophag/o esophagus
esthes/o feeling
-esthesia feeling

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