Medical Terminology Simplified

(Grace) #1
566 APPENDIX B• Answer Key

Medical Term Word Element Meaning

  1. craniometer crani/o (CF) cranium (skull)
    -meter (S) instrument for measuring

  2. cutaneous cutane/o (WR) skin
    -ous (S) pertaining to

  3. cytology cyt/o (CF) cell
    -logy (S) study of

  4. cytolysis cyt/o (CF) cell
    -lysis (S) separation; destruction; loosening

  5. distal dist (WR) far, farthest
    -al (S) pertaining to

  6. dorsal dors (WR) back (of body)
    -al (S) pertaining to

  7. endoscopy endo- (PR) in, within
    -scopy (S) instrument for examining

  8. epigastric epi- (PR) above, upon
    gastr (WR) stomach
    -ic (S) pertaining to

  9. histologist hist/o (CF) tissue
    -logist (S) specialist in the study of

  10. hypochondriac hypo- (P) under, below, deficient
    chondr (WR) cartilage
    -iac (S) pertaining to

  11. inferior infer (WR) lower, below
    -ior (S) pertaining to

  12. lumbar lumb (WR) loins (lower back)
    -ar (S) pertaining to

  13. periumbilical peri- (PR) around
    umbilic (WR) umbilicus, navel
    -al (S) pertaining to

  14. proximal proxim (WR) near, nearest
    -al (S) pertaining to

  15. radiography radi/o (CF) radiation, x-ray, radius (lower arm bone on thumb side)
    -graphy (S) process of recording

  16. transverse trans- (P) across, through
    -verse (S) to turn

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