Medical Terminology Simplified

(Grace) #1
568 APPENDIX B• Answer Key

Medical Record Activity 3–1: Compound Nevus


  1. What is a nevus?
    A mole; a type of skin tumor

  2. Locate the vermilion border on your lip. Where is it located?
    It is the edge of the red portion of the upper or lower lip.

  3. Was the lesion limited to a certain area?
    Yes, the right side of the lower lip

  4. In the impression, the pathologist has ruled out melanoma. What does this mean?
    The nevus is not cancerous.

  5. Is melanoma a dangerous condition? If so, explain why.
    Yes, it metastasizes rapidly.

Medical Record Activity 3–2: Psoriasis


  1. What causes psoriasis?
    The etiology is unknown, but heredity is a significant determining factor.

  2. On what parts of the body does psoriasis typically occur?
    Scalp, elbows, knees, sacrum, and around the nails, arms, legs, and abdomen

  3. How is psoriasis treated?
    Mild to moderate psoriasis is treated with corticosteroids and phototherapy.

  4. What is a histiocytoma?
    A tumor containing histiocytes, which are macrophages present in all loose connective tissue

Word Elements Chapter Review

Medical Term Word Elements Meaning

  1. adipocele adip/o (CF) fat
    -cele (S) hernia, swelling

  2. anhidrosis an- (P) without, not
    hidr (WR) sweat
    -osis (S) abnormal condition; increase (used primarily with blood cells)

  3. cryotherapy cry/o (CF) cold
    -therapy (S) treatment

  4. dermatomycosis dermat/o (CF) skin
    myc (WR) fungus (plural, fungi)
    -osis (S) abnormal condition; increase (used primarily with blood cells)

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