Answer Key • APPENDIX B 569
Medical Term Word Elements Meaning
- diaphoresis dia- (P) through, across
-phoresis (S) carrying, transmission - epidermis epi- (P) above, upon
derm (WR) skin
-is (S) noun ending - erythrocyte erythr/o (CF) red
-cyte (S) cell - hidradenitis hidr (WR) sweat
aden (WR) gland
-itis (S) inflammation - hypodermic hypo- (P) under, below, deficient
derm (WR) skin
-ic (S) pertaining to - ichthyosis ichthy (WR) dry, scaly
-osis (S) abnormal condition; increase (used primarily with blood cells) - keratosis kerat (WR) horny tissue; hard; cornea
-osis (S) abnormal condition; increase (used primarily with blood cells) - lipocele lip/o (CF) fat
-cele (S) hernia, swelling - onychomalacia onych/o (CF) nail
-malacia (S) softening - pyoderma py/o (CF) pus
-derma (S) skin - scleroderma scler/o (CF) hardening; sclera (white of the eye)
-derma (S) skin - seborrhea seb/o (CF) sebum, sebaceous
-rrhea (S) discharge, flow - subcutaneous sub- (P) under, below
cutane (WR) skin
-ous (S) pertaining to - trichopathy trich/o (CF) hair
-pathy (S) disease - xanthoma xanth (WR) yellow
-oma (S) tumor - xeroderma xer/o (CF) dry
-derma (S) skin
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