Medical Terminology Simplified

(Grace) #1
588 APPENDIX B• Answer Key

Section Review 8–4

Competency Verification, Figure 8–10

Lateral view of the male reproductive system, page 357.
1.testis (singular) 3.epididymis 6.prostate gland 9.glans penis
or testicle (singular) 4.vas deferens 7.bulbourethral gland 10.foreskin
2.scrotum 5.seminal vesicle 8.penis

Section Review 8–5

1.-rrhaphy 5.-cyte 9.-itis 13.neo- 17.olig/o
2.dys- 6.-pathy 10.-tome 14.-genesis 18.spermat/o, sperm/o
3.cyst/o 7.-megaly 11.vas/o 15.prostat/o 19.-pexy
4.carcin/o 8.-cele 12.muc/o 16.test/o, orchi/o, orchid/o 20.hyper-

Additional Medical Terms Review

1.cryptorchidism 6.chlamydia 11.mammography 16.D&C
2.fibroid 7.circumcision 12.gonorrhea 17.phimosis
3.sterility 8.cerclage 13.syphilis 18.impotence
4.anorchism 9.leukorrhea 14.toxic shock 19.oligomenorrhea
5.candidiasis 10.endometriosis 15.trichomoniasis 20.gonadotropins

Medical Record Activity 8–1: Postmenopausal Bleeding


  1. How many times has the patient been pregnant? How many children has the patient given birth to?
    Four; four

  2. Why is the patient being admitted to the hospital?
    To have a gynecological laparoscopy and diagnostic D&C to rule out the neoplastic process

  3. What is a D&C?
    Dilatation and curettage; a surgical procedure that expands the cervical canal of the uterus so that the surface
    lining of the uterine wall can be scraped

Term Meaning

  1. vas/ectomy -ectomy: excision, removal; vessel; vas deferens; duct

  2. balan/itis -itis: inflammation; glans penis

  3. spermi/cide -cide: killing; spermatozoa, sperm cells

  4. gonad/o/tropin -tropin: stimulate; gonads, sex glands

  5. orchi/o/pexy -pexy: fixation (of an organ); testis (plural, testes)

  6. a/sperm/ia -ia: condition; without, not; spermatozoa, sperm cells

  7. vesicul/itis -itis: inflammation; seminal vesicle

  8. orchid/ectomy -ectomy: excision, removal; testis (plural, testes)

  9. andr/o/gen -gen: forming, producing, origin; male

  10. crypt/orch/ism -ism: condition; hidden; testis (plural, testes)

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