Medical Terminology Simplified

(Grace) #1
Answer Key • APPENDIX B 601

Additional Medical Terms Review

1.tinnitus 6.anacusis 11.glaucoma 16.acoustic neuroma 21.phacoemulsification
2.otosclerosis 7.otitis media 12.vertigo 17.tonometry 22.Rinne test
3.achromatopsia 8.conjunctivitis 13.retinal detachment 18.iridectomy 23.diabetic retinopathy
4.Ménière disease 9.photophobia 14.hordeolum 19.conductive hearing loss 24.macular degeneration
5.strabismus 10.presbycusis 15.astigmatism 20.cataract 25.myringotomy

Medical Record Activity 11–1: Retinal Detachment


  1. Where is the retina located?
    The retina is the innermost layer of the eye.

  2. Was the anesthetic administered behind or in front of the eyeball?
    Behind the eyeball (retrobulbar)

  3. How much movement remained in the eye following anesthesia?
    None; akinesia

  4. Where was the hemorrhage located?
    In the orbit of the eye behind the lens, where the vitreous humor is located

  5. What type of vitrectomy was undertaken?
    Trans pars plana vitrectomy

  6. Why was the eye left soft?
    Because it had poor perfusion

Medical Record Activity 11–2: Otitis Media


  1. Where was the patient’s infection located?
    Right ear

  2. What complication developed while the patient was hospitalized?

  3. What is the purpose of the tube placement?
    It reduces the accumulation of fluid within the middle ear.

  4. What surgery is being performed to resolve the cholesteatoma?
    Tympanoplasty, right ear

  5. Will the patient be asleep during the surgery?
    Yes, under general anesthesia

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