612 APPENDIX D• Drug Classifications
Drug Classification Description
thyroid supplements
topical anesthetics
uterine stimulants
vitamin B 12
vertigo and motion
sickness agents
W, X, Y, Z
wax emulsifiers
Chemically destroy sperm
Spermicidals consist of jellies, creams, and foams and do not require a prescription. They are
commonly used within the woman’s vagina for contraceptive purposes.
Lower cholesterol in the blood and reduce its production in the liver by blocking the
enzyme that produces it
Dissolve blood clots by destroying their fibrin strands
Thrombolytics are used to break apart, or lyse, thrombi.
Replace or supplement thyroid hormones
Block sensation of pain by numbing the skin layers and mucous membranes
Topical anesthetics are applied directly in sprays, creams, gargles, suppositories, and other
preparations. They are also used to numb the skin to make the injection of medication more
Calm anxiousness or agitation without decreasing consciousness
Increase urinary excretion of uric acid, reducing the concentration of uric acid in the blood
Uricosurics are used to treat gout.
Induce labor at term, control postpartum hemorrhage, and induce therapeutic abortion;
also called oxytocic agents
Oxytocin is a pharmaceutically prepared chemical that is similar to the pituitary hormone
oxytocin. Uterine stimulants are also used to treat infertility in females.
Narrow or constrict the diameter of blood vessels
Vasoconstrictors decrease blood flow and increase blood pressure.
Dilate the diameter of blood vessels
Vasodilators help treat angina pectoris and hypertension.
Treats pernicious anemia
Vitamin B 12 is delivered by nasal spray or intramuscular (IM) injection.
Decrease sensitivity of the inner ear to motion and prevent nerve impulses in the inner ear
from reaching the vomiting center of the brain
Loosen and help remove impacted cerumen (ear wax)
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