2–38 When the lungs are divided into equal right and left sides, they are divided
by the midsagittal plane, also known as the ____________________ __________.
2–39 The horizontal (transverse) plane runs across the body from the right side
to the left side and divides the body into upper (superior) and lower (inferior)
portions. Figure 2–2 shows the division of this plane.
Recall the term super/ior. It is a point of reference that refers to a structure above
or oriented toward a higher place. For example, the head is superior to the heart.
Infer/ior is a point of reference that refers to a structure situated below or oriented
toward a lower place. For example, the feet are inferior to the legs.
Because the head is located superior to the heart, the heart is located __________ /
__________ to the head. Because the feet are located inferior to the legs, the legs are
located __________ / __________ to the feet.
2–40 The plane that divides the body into superior and inferior portions is
the horizontal plane. This plane is also called the ____________________
2–41 Many different trans/verse planes exist at every possible level of the body,
from head to foot. A trans/verse section is also called a cross-sectional plane.Some
radiographic imaging devices produce cross-sectional images. Cross-sectioning of
the body or of an organ along different planes results in different views.
In radiography, the horizontal, or trans/verse, plane is also known as the
2–42 A radi/o/graph of the liver along a trans/verse plane results in a different
view than a radiograph along the frontal plane. That is why a series of x-rays is com-
monly taken using different planes. Views along different planes result in a complete
and comprehensive image of a body structure.
Identify the elements in this frame that mean
instrument for recording:__________
radiation, x-ray; radius (lower arm bone on thumb side):__________ / _____
through, across:__________
2–43 Locate the frontal plane in Figure 2–2. The frontal plane is also called the
____________________ __________.
Frame 2–36to Frame 2–43
Body Planes and Cavities • CHAPTER 2 43
median plane
infer/ior, super/ior
transverse plane
coronal plane